Sunday, July 27, 2008

A note to our readers

Hey --
We debated (and partied) so the note is late. But our biggest thing was, what do we do about Ava and C.I.'s note? We decided to keep it. It runs at the end of this.

Along with Dallas, the following helped with this edition:

The Third Estate Sunday Review's Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess, and Ava,
Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude,
Betty of Thomas Friedman Is a Great Man,
C.I. of The Common Ills and The Third Estate Sunday Review,
Kat of Kat's Korner (of The Common Ills),
Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix,
Mike of Mikey Likes It!,
Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz,
Ruth of Ruth's Report,
Wally of The Daily Jot,

Thank you to all. And here's what we have:

-- We've toyed with something similar before; however, since we're all together this week, we had a TON of things planned for Sunday so it was the perfect time to use that idea.

-- I did come up with the title for Ava and C.I.'s commentary, thank you very much. (Reader Liz felt it was "the best title, I'm guessing Jim didn't think it up.") Ava and C.I. really cover it all. And they had so much more they wanted to cover. Nightline got off very lucky with just a single sentence. Washington Week and Nightly News should consider themselves lucky that there was not room to cover them. This really is a strong piece and we didn't read it until we woke up Sunday afternoon. As soon as we did, we had about 20 ideas for things we could have written. Great job by Ava and C.I. And to reply to Stu's question, Ava and C.I. LOVE The Mary Tyler Moore Show.

-- He really is. He's like Katharine Hepburn in On Golden Pond. And some dopes are eating it up.

-- This was supposed to be a paragraph in their TV commentary this week. (Ava and C.I. wrote this.) A friend at CBS passed on some stuff and they'd spoken of it briefly but hadn't looked at it. When they had time, they saw this was going to require more than one paragraph. The rest of us were heading to bed when Ava and C.I. stopped and said, "It looks like we're going to have two pieces this edition, is that okay?" The sound you hear is our regular readers laughing. Okay? They'd love it if Ava and C.I. wrote multiple pieces every week!

-- This may have been the last thing we wrote. (Ava and C.I. stayed up working on their TV pieces but I think we all bailed after this was written.) I read over it a second ago and it's pretty funny. I like it.

-- This is the article we worked the longest on. If we had more time, it would be longer and there would be two additional stories that compliment this. This is the most popular article this week . . . except for Ava and C.I.'s two TV pieces.

-- This was a sincere e-mail. So we tried to respond in kind. We were asked by several readers if we could mix it up a bit. Next week, we plan to have an audio piece of some form. (Not a review.) The book discussions are missed by readers. We don't have the time and there's not much worth reading. The left and 'left' have sold their souls to Barack. It's all so pathetic.
-- Everyone wants to know (that's e-mailed) whose friend was it? Rebecca's. Her friend said something like (and, no, this isn't T), "Oh, I had the worst week. Hold on, I can't remember it but I'm pulling up my journal."
-- Nader.

-- Mike, Kat, Betty, Rebecca, Cedric, Wally, Ruth, Marcia and Elaine wrote this and picked out all highlights unless otherwise noted. We thank them.

See you next week and, below this, you can find Ava and C.I.'s original note to the readers. Dona points out, "Ava and C.I. deserve special thanks. They typed the bulk of the articles this week and that was shoved off on them, not asked."

-- Jim, Dona, Jess, Ava and C.I.

Ava and C.I. here. The note will come later when everyone's awake. We'll note the edition was 'finished.'

We had to do our TV commentary and broke it in two and needed a conclusion for the main one. With the edition otherwise 'finished,' we told everyone else to go to bed and get some sleep. Jim -- such a sly fox (or hedgehog?) -- neglected to pass on that while everything was finished in the writing stage (as we knew having participated in the writing), everything was not fully typed. We've had to finish typing each feature to get it ready for posting. Typos will be fixed on Tuesday (the ones we catch).

We are also sure we dropped letters or words as we rushed to type so we could get some sleep.

Again, what's caught on Tuesday, we'll fix.

Illustrations will be added tonight.

A real note will take the place of this one then as well.

We hope we have the right "Truest." We nominated our choices and then went to work on the TV commentary. We can't find the vote tally. If we've misunderstood what won . . . people should have written down the vote or stayed up.

It's a little more ecletic this edition and we'll let Jim go into that when he does the note later tonight. Thank you to Mike, Elaine, Betty, Rebecca, Cedric, Wally, Ruth, Marcia and Kat. Other than our TV pieces (which we type), their "Highlights" was the only thing that was typed in full.

-- Ava and C.I.
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