Sunday, September 21, 2008


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"I Hate The War" -- The most requested highlight by readers of this site and not at all surprising since C.I.'s addressing a topic that's been a community concern for some time.

"Don't come and knock on my door" -- Bettina is visited by Kimmy and Ian Wild. A nightmare naturally ensues.

"Vegetable Soup in the Kitchen" -- Trina continues to offer practical, inexpensive recipes and to address the economy.

"Cher and more" and "Ralph Nader and Cher" -- Cher's a favorite of this site but who knew how much so? Ty said, "Kat's two posts have to be highlighted, the e-mails were non-stop." In both, she's compiling 'best of' discs of Cher. The first night, Kat says she honestly was too tired "to write a damn thing. I was flipping channels and came across a Cher video. I figured, I can do a list of Cher. So I did. I figured some would want to weigh in before I compressed it to one disc so I used that as my excuse for not doing that in the first night's post." The second night talks about Cher in more detail including her exclusion from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, a topic we explore in an article here this week.

"Next stop, The Surreal Life!" & "THIS JUST IN! BARACK SINGS 'DELTA DAWN' TO LOHAN!" -- Cedric and Wally's joint-post on the dissing Barack. They write these together. They do not usually decided on the titles together. Cedric says if Wally had told him the title he was planning to use, not only would Cedric have used something similar, he would have suggested they rework their joint-post to actually include some lines from Delta Dawn ("a song that our fourth grade music teacher made us all learn. It was that and some stuff from The Wizard of Oz. Then she showed up stoned and we had a substitute for the rest of the year. It was an all African-American class, for any wondering, and the teacher was African-American. I have no idea why she felt we needed to know 'Delta Dawn' but not only did we have to learn to sing it, we also had to learn to play it on our recorders.").

"Bernard Avishai is not Moses" -- Ruth critiques a really bad article. (And no, he's not Moses, he just thinks he is.)

"They created the divide, they better own it" -- Elaine breaking it down for those (like Bernard) not understanding who created the divide.

"i have been too hard on nancy pelosi" -- Rebecca explains Nancy Pelosi's new get-out-the-vote actions.

"On Cynthia, NOW and HBs" and "Kimmy tells Black people what their 'problem' is" -- Marcia's very popular posts from last week addressing community concerns.

"Ed loses" -- Mike was rooting for Ed O'Reilly. He took the loss hard.

"the moron brian stelter" -- Rebecca takes on an NYT idiot who shows up late to the party and empty handed.

"Directors" -- Elaine weighs in on female film directors.

"Victor Davis Hanson, I thank you" -- Don't ever accuse Mike of being unable to thank the other side (Republican).

"The New Adventures of Old Christine" -- Ruth explains why she loves the sitcom The New Adventures of Old Christine (season debut this Wednesday on CBS during the first hour of primetime). We note the show in another feature and intend to note it at greater length in a feature next week. By the way, it's a pretty strong edition. The only thing still to do is the editorial (and Jim's note that he'll do after we're all asleep). On the editorial, we'll be pulling from C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot" and "Iraq snapshot."

"I feel your pain! Gotta jet!" & "THIS JUST IN! THE ACTIONS ARE TELLING!" -- Cedric and Wally's joint-post on Barack, Man of the People, the Famous People.
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