Sunday, November 23, 2008


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"I Hate The War" -- most requested highlight. C.I. breaks it down on the contract proposed between the White House and the puppet government in Baghdad plus finds a way to work in Rick Springfield (we're not joking). A big treat.

"Deal with it" -- Betty's got so many ideas on what to do with her site and "When it was time to blog, I end up writing about fashion!" :) That's cool it was a pleasure to read.

"Easy in the Kitchen" -- Trina was going to offer some last minute recipes but decided that went against the point she wanted to make leading into Thanksgiving: Easy, relax. Thanksgiving's no fun if you're exhuasted by the time the food hits the table.

"who do you write like?" and "delilah, you gender-bender!" -- Rebecca plays around online with devices/instruments that allegedly measure something. In the former, she finds who everyone supposedly matches up with in terms of writing. While we love the findings of similarities between Ava and C.I.'s TV commentaries and the writings of Oscar Wilde, we don't take it very seriously. Rebecca notes re: Edgar Allen Poe, she's sure C.I. found that insulting "if she gave a thought." But at least Elaine got compared favorably to her favorite writer from childhood. That's one device/instrument and the second listed post focuses on another. According to that one, we're all men. Women, men, we're all writing like men! and the most masculine among us? Stan, Ruth and C.I. all scored at least 80%. (And the National Lawyers Guild's Marjorie Cohn scored over 80% as a man.) We don't take the devices/instruments too seriously but they were a fun topic to read on.

"Regarding Seth" -- Marcia's immensely popular post on a liar. and fraud Make a point to check it out.

"How the press ignores women" -- Ruth is really something to read these days, isn't she? You never know what topic she's grabbing but you always know you're going to be rivited. Here she's noting a woman not known for doing much of anything for women and explaining how that repuation might or might not be deserved.

"Cabinet?" -- A big whiner e-mailed the public account of The Common Ills about his politic crash Janet of Arizona. Kat read it and thought, "What the hell is he snorting?" We're ignoring his woman who may make the cabinet! We're not really covering the cabinet. Kat explains this but we want to go over it to make sure it's really clear and while we can all comment on the record in this entry. The most covered appointment or possible appointment by Barack has been Rahm Emanuel. The reason for that is C.I. knows (and likes) Rahm. So not to be accused of favoritism, at The Common Ills, C.I. has repeatedly noted negative criticsm of Rahm in the last few weeks. That's really the only reason Rahm's been covered. At this site (Third), Jim asked C.I. to comment on Rahm specifically and we were all encouraged to comment on the names being tossed around for the cabinet in "Roundtable." That was prompted by a post of Elaine's where she noted the names being thrown around were mainly male ["The cabinet, Robert Fisk"]. Wally and Cedric's joint-posts are humorous ones on what's in the news that day and if it's a big day for cabinet chatter, they may grab that as a topic but they're not "overly interested." Mike has blogged twice on Hillary as Secretary of State. The first time noting it was her decision and he'd hold his opinion. The second time to note an idiot who was allegedly writing on Tom Daschle but ended up with three paragraphs on him and eight screaming about the Clintons. Wally, Cedric and Mike have loudly called out Tom Daschle. C.I. has noted that and joined it in terms of noting how Hillary's being skewered and the frightful and frightening Tommy D is getting a pass. Ruth's not sure she's written a word on the cabinet and Marcia only remembers writing about Eric Holder (and in passing on that). Stan's not focused on the cabinet, Elaine's not focused on it, Kat isn't focused on it, Betty's not focused on it and Rebecca says if she covers it at all, she's doing it in passing thus far. Point: Janet is not being slighted. We don't care for her. She's very fortunate we're not writing about her or we'd be talking about that infamous speech this year where she attacked Mexican immigrants. We went on at length, yes, but we hope we made our point.

"Mantan Moreland" & "Movies, Lauren Bacall, and more" -- Staci spoke for a lot of people when she e-mailed Saturday to say that she loves all the work Stan does but she really does enjoy it when he discusses movies. We do too. He's planning to make Friday's a movie post of some sort each week.

"The failure of 'leadership'" -- Jim's reaction to this post by Elaine? "I begged and begged C.I. not to write about this topic during the week so we could have it for this weekend and then Elaine goes and writes on it! Highlight it please."

"Iraq and NYT's tabloidish ways" -- This was a hugely requested highlight. C.I.'s tackling NYT and doing so forcefully. Angelina Jolie is slimed and front paged by the paper on the day they bury CIA lies about a plane crash? They're exploring the People magazine 'scandal' at length and on the front page and brushing aside the CIA crimes? How typical.

"Missy Comley Beattie, F**k the Hell Off" -- Hate to say it, but we agree with Mike. We usually do agree with him but on this we wish we didn't. Missy Comley Beattie once appeared to have something to say. Barack lovers better learn to grow up or leave the left because maturity and ending the illegal war requires truth telling. If it's too much for you, f**k the hell off.

"Daschle, Chuck and more," "Tom Daschle the Disgrace" and "THIS JUST IN! CRAP YOU SMELL THE STINK OF!" & "More cronies for Barack"- And here's Mike, Wally and Cedric covering Tommy D.

"THIS JUST IN! CHRIST CHILD CLIMBS ON THE CROSS OF HIS OWN MAKING!" & "Christ-child mounts his cross" -- Wally and Cedric cover how Christ-child Barack built his own prison.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Ghosts of Network Bombs Past and Present" -- Isaiah's latest in his three-part series on the stink that is Tina Fey's 30 Rock.

"Gerry Ford 2009 and the treaty" and "The Imperial Presidency With Cavity Fighting Fluoride Protection!" -- Elaine and C.I. on Barack the White washer.

"A Man Named Joe" -- Elaine 'Twaine' writes a short story. Elaine carried a short story over to Betty's site this week. The 'Twaine' remark is in ref to a 'device' or 'instrument' that found Elaine's writing in this to be over 80% like the writing style of Mark Twaine.

"Equality" and "Boycott the losers" -- Ruth and Marcia's very important posts on LGBT rights.

"Iraq snapshot" and "As C.I. said, it's a treaty" -- C.I. and Kat cover the Congressional hearing last week that they, Wally and Ava attended. Boston Globe's Jenny Paul was the only reporter at a major daily to cover the hearing.

"Disclosure II?" & "THIS JUST IN! WAS IT WORTH IT?" -- No means NO!, Barack.
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