Sunday, July 12, 2009


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights. Illustration is the movie poster for The Hurt Locker which opened Friday in San Francisco, Dallas, Chicago, Atlanta, Austin, Oahu, Portland, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, San Diego, Minneapolis, Denver, Toronto and DC.

Hurt Locker

"I Hate The War" -- Most requested highlight. C.I. walks you through the law.

"Kat's Korner: Regina Spektor takes you Far" -- Kat's latest album review.

"More wisdom from Bill Bennett's Book of Virtuous Weight Loss" -- Isaiah dips into the archives for this comic.

"Roland Burris announces he won't run in 2010" & "John Pilger, Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Senator Burris" -- Stan covers Roland Burris decision not to run for re-election.

"Snapshot (C.I.)""Legal abuses by Bush and Barack""War Hawks, CIA"

"Barry and his dresser" & "THIS JUST IN! CELEBRITIES NEED DOWN TIME!" -- Cedric and Wally on our Celebrity In Chief.

"We need answers" -- We do need them, as Betty points out. And we hope to address her topic here this week. This edition is a nightmare. So much so that Betty, Ava and C.I. just dashed off a film analysis because we have no theme or purpose this week. That's not an insult to what they wrote, it's just noting that this is a topic they've covered (in conversations) before but Dona's asking us to all think of what we can do and do quickly.

"Baked tuna casserole" -- Trina's back from Hawaii. (And Mike and Elaine have gone there.)

"Politco goes down on Huffington Post" -- Jayson begged, begged, his grandmother to use this title. Ruth did and was surprised at how well received it was.

"Barack's attempts to bury universal health care" -- Ruth notes she's echoing a point Mike made before she left on vacation.

"Abortion rights" -- Kat on what we lost and how.

"The shameful David Kris" & "Legal abuses by Bush and Barack" -- Marcia and Ann on David Kris' embarrassing testimony to the Senate. With this post, Ann begins filling in for Mike.

"gordo and british escapades," "gordo, gordo, anchor drag," and "gordo killed the mg?" -- Rebecca continues her Gordon Brown coverage.

"Snapshot (C.I.)" -- C.I. will be filling in for Elaine while Elaine's in Hawaii.

"Iraq snapshot" and "House Armed Services Committee's Subcommittee"; "Iraq snapshot" and
"National Press Club"; and "Iraq snapshot" and "Senate Armed Service Committee" -- C.I. and Kat report on Congress and the National Press Club.

"Tennesse Guerilla Women: Home to Racists" -- Marcia addresses online racism.

"Sex-segregation in Alabama and on PBS" -- Stan ties the sex segreation of PBS together with the classroom sex-segregation that was taking place in Alabama.

"ACLU, McNamara, Trash TV" -- Elaine offers a grab bag post.

"ACLU on state secrets, Third" -- Mike breaks down last week's edition.
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