Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bitchery of the week

Less than 4 hours after GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney announced Paul Ryan as his running mate, the Barack Obama re-election campaign had a little slogan and photo up.


You can't have good sports when you've got a bitch in the race.  Since Barack entered politics, he's repeatedly set new records for bitchery.  Smear an opponent as a wife beater to win a primary?  He's done it.  He's done it all.

He's been such a little bitch for so many years.

But there's something truly trashy -- not 'rapid response' like -- about the latest attack.

If we were as effete as Barack and had such a problem connecting with so many men in America, we probably would try to lower the volume on our bitchery.  But Barack's got be Barack, right?

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